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There are numerous benefits to introducing a therapy dog program into your school. Discover the many ins and outs of employing a therapy dog program, including addressing the most common objections and challenges, steps for successful implementation, and resources for developing programs.

The New School of Therapy

Have you considered a therapy dog program in your school? Increasingly, school educators across the country are realizing the benefits of therapy dogs in the school environment. Yes, there are questions and challenges to adopting a dog therapy program, but the below PDF seeks to address those issues, and outline a step by step process to implementing a program that can bring a valuable resource to your school.

A Guide to Therapy Dogs

The purpose of the resource below is to help school administrators and educators better understand the benefits of animal assisted therapy in a school setting. In addition, it addresses the common objections or concerns for placing therapy dogs in a school. It also outlines helpful steps in implementing a program, and suggests resources for developing programs for educators, counselors, and others to easily integrate dogs into their respective areas.

“Bringing Therapy Dogs to your School” Guide

More information about therapy dogs geared specifically towards educators and administrators.

Download PDF

Additional Resources

A Dog Goes to School
Integrating Pet Therapy
School Therapy Dogs
Administrating Therapy Dog Programs

Additional Pet Therapy Organizations

Therapy Dogs International
Pet Partners
ITA – Intermountain Therapy Animals
Love on a Leash
Therapy Dogs, Inc.
The Good Dog Foundation
Bright and Beautiful Therapy Dogs

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