Welcome to our blog, a place where we celebrate the life of Charlotte and share the ongoing impact of our mission. Through heartfelt memories and updates on our initiatives and community events, we channel grief into action, ensuring that her legacy remains a beacon of hope for all.
Join us in remembering Charlotte’s light that continues to shine bright.

2023 – A Year of Breathing
JoAnn Bacon | December 28, 2023
The year 2023 has allowed me a much-needed breather—a respite of sorts. It has allowed me to sit with events of my life and plan for what will be the 11th year of the Charlotte Helen Bacon Foundation.

Throwing Buoys
JoAnn Bacon | December 29, 2022
After Charlotte died, Joel and I were underwater with grief. We would fight to the surface and gulp air, only to be dragged under again. It was a cycle that would repeat over and over. There were times we were not sure how long it could continue. Would we make it? Well, the grief continues, but we are not underwater or washed ashore; instead, we support others who find themselves in murky water.

Helping Veterinary Students Achieve their Dreams
JoAnn Bacon | December 22, 2022
We had no idea that what we wrote in Charlotte’s obituary would provide an opportunity to see her dream of becoming a “doggy doctor” come alive in others. Our loving tribute to her life shared that she had dreams of being a veterinarian from a very young age, and this caught the attention of North Carolina School of Veterinary Medicine.

Preserving Charlotte's Story. 10 Years Later.
JoAnn Bacon | December 14, 2022
Charlotte is a girl with wavy brown hair, silver-blue eyes, dimples on either side of her chin, a bold sense of adventure, and a deep love for dogs.

Dogs have a special place at the Charlotte Helen Bacon Foundation.
JoAnn Bacon | December 8, 2022
In the fall of 2013, the first Charlotte’s Litter Walkathon occurred in Fairfield Hills in Newtown, Connecticut. We had a massive turnout of therapy dogs that had been supporting our local schools since the Sandy Hook School shooting. It was a special day for dogs and humans alike. It was also the day we kicked off Charlotte’s Litter Therapy Dog Program.

Before we were the Charlotte Helen Bacon Foundation, we were Newtown Kindness.
JoAnn Bacon | December 1, 2022
The bedrock of our organization was the Charlotte Bacon Act of Kindness Award. This program was designed to promote, recognize and reward children to “think kindly and act boldly” through acts of kindness.

As we approach the 10-year mark of Charlotte's death, I have been reflecting.
JoAnn Bacon | November 27, 2022
I am reflecting on the evolution in my personal life and the evolution of the Charlotte Helen Bacon (CHB) Foundation. The evolution is substantial, and Charlotte’s impact is immeasurable.

Good Dog, Great Listeners StoryWalk at the Story Barn!
Laura Shulman Cordeira | June 27, 2021
Add nature, a babbling brook and a tree swing to your child’s summer reading! This July 12-17, 2021, bring them to The Story Barn in Somers, CT for a free StoryWalk of the children’s book Good Dogs, Great Listeners: The Story of Charlotte, Lily and the Litter.