To love Charlotte is a blessing.
She was unique and left a lasting impression on all.

Dalmatian by Charlotte
Charlotte’s energy and enthusiasm for almost everything was infectious.
Charlotte was a true free spirit and independent thinker. She made us laugh daily with her crazy antics and cleverness. She was in a perpetual state of movement; running, jumping, skipping, and dancing. Her curiosity often led to mischief and mishaps that still have us in stitches today.

Lily by Charlotte
Her Dad and I like to use the word BOLD, and it is this trait that we strive to emulate as we honor Charlotte.
We often hear loving stories from friends and family and the words they use are smart, funny, curious, messy, and adventurous to describe her. One word we never hear is intimidated.

Puppy Poodle by Charlotte
Charlotte joyfully loved her family, and our love for Charlotte is eternal.
Charlotte had many loves. She loved having her hair tied in “piggies” with ribbons, pink frilly dresses, animals – big and small. She adored her large collection of stuffed animals, and eating shrimp and Big Y fried chicken. At home she loved playing and caring for the family pets, “helping” her mom with gardening by picking flowers before their time, being tickled by her daddy, and trying to imitate and annoy her big brother.
We strive to honor Charlotte, her beautiful life, and her dreams by establishing and supporting programs and scholarships around the things she loved most.

Charlotte and her passion for her dog Lily, and her extensive stuffed dog collection has been honored in the picture book; Good Dogs, Great Listeners - The Story of Charlotte, Lily and the Litter by Renata Bowers with JoAnn and Joel Bacon, pictures by Michael Chesworth.
To learn more about this endearing children’s book and to purchase your own copy, please visit